Sorry, your browser does not support video playback.0:00/ 0:00Pop Lower ThirdsLepelkaTransform your content with this DaVinci Resolve pop lower thirds template. Perfect for adding stylish and informative name tags to your videos.1920 x 1080 (HD)4MBDaVinci ResolveDownloadYou may also likeDaVinci ResolveClean Photo Lower ThirdsDaVinci ResolveLower Thirds Social MediaDaVinci ResolveLower ThirdsDaVinci ResolveLower ThirdsDaVinci ResolveGradient Lower ThirdsDaVinci ResolveCorporate Lower ThirdsDaVinci ResolveCall Out TitlesDaVinci ResolveSocial Media PackDaVinci ResolvePop Social Media PackDrag and DropFlash Sale Pop UpDrag and DropModern Pop Art Flashy BackgroundDrag and DropDrinks Icons PackNew